It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm so awkward I don't even need other people to make things awkward.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Don't French people ever find it annoying that people always insist on wear freaking barets, whenever they visit their country?

"We are more than just the baguettes [which taste very good], barets and french kissing? :("

It's like when people visit Australia and expect me to be all up there grills with my hardcore 'Aussie accent'

And tourists always do the:

"G'Day Mattee! Did you go ride to school on a freakin' emu? And, eat crocodile for lunch [with a side dish of koala droppings garnished with some bush tomato sauce?"

And I'm all:

"Please, go die..."

No, just because I live in the country doesn't mean I follow the stereotype persona. I'm definately no Steve Irwin and as far as I'm concerned I don't have a bogan accent.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pregnant, you say?

If you're pregnant

...please don't tell me.

I just imagine you and your partner having sex.

And, sometimes my brains goes off on a tangent...

Some pretty fucked up shit goes down on your babies conception [in my mind]...

Light saber dildos, cucumbers, edible lube and for some reason a goat playing a guitar, as a cat is stroking its ball-sack.

mmmmm...cucumbers. I wonder if this edible lube is hommus flavoured?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I love you.

Can people stop saying 'I love you'?

I bet your thinking why, Rebecca? Why would you request to destroy one of the most beautiful phrases in the world?

Can I say 'saranghae'?



Silence! Small, fuzzy, peach man. Let me explain...

I hate when you do something- like tell a heaps epic joke and then some bastard goes 'OMG I LOVE YOU!'


I love you too?

That phrase is on the same level as 'You're so funny'. Now everything I do after that phrase has to be equal to the funny-ness of the the joke pre-phrase.

I bet everytime someone says that phrase some creep jumps out from the bushes and releases a bunch of crickets...

And, then some babies die.. don't ask why.. They just do.

I love you/You're so funny = The Most Awkward Moment EVER!

[and a truckload of Gay babies are consequently concieved. Swaying the ratio of gay v.s. straight population to 50:50 GAY RIGHTS MAY BE JUST AROUND THE CORNER GUYS KEEP THOSE MOMENTS AWKWARD]

Friday, August 6, 2010

The life of Barry the Banana [an excerpt]

Bananas are those yellow penis-shaped things. It leads a rather average life, although people are confused exactly of its orientation- is it a herb? is a fruit? And, it's like "Hell niggah. Me both!" [because that what a banana would sound like if it spoke].

Sometimes life gets tough for bananas; especially with its doppleganger: the penis. One day some smart-ass decided it would be hilarious to practice sticking a condom on it...many innocent bananas, have thus, died.

To help the bananas that are getting raped by ravenous, horny year 9ners call:

Together, we can find an alternative and help save bananas for what they supposed to be for... eating. One motherfucking, bad-ass banana split at a time.

shakespeare ftw.

So much shit comes out people's mouth nowadays that you can never tell if they're being geniunely sincere or just a giantic douche, trying to 'get some'.

Sometimes I wish I was stupid; naive. That when someone said "You look really pretty" "Your buttons look really... good." I actually believed them.

But, I know guys; I've spoken to them. And they know that there exists a people who are dumb enough to believe the bullshit that comes out of their mouths.

And I hate them for it. They have ruined compliments for me.

I hope they meet someone who doesn't believe they're corny lines "Your eyes are lode-stars; and your tongue's sweet air more tuneable than lark to shepherd's ear"

[I wish boys quoted Shakespeare. It'd be like BANG! Clothes off.]

They will be stuck.

Boys should keep compliments for people they love. You can't use the same line for someone you love and someone you're just trying to fuck- it makes the line lose meaning.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Life just seems to be working right now. All the pieces of the puzzle are falling in the right place. I'm the fat kid that can have the cake and eat it.

Yes, something is bound to go wrong.. but, why be pessimistic? Why view the glass half empty?

I say the glass is always full, even if only half. Let them eat cake.

See what materialistic possesions bring? Happiness.

Best things in life are free my arse.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cause it's cold...and I'm hungry.

Fuck you, mum, dad. It has been two hours and you still haven't come home to provide me with food...
Yer...fuck you...
All alone in this empty cold house.....with nothing
...but chocolate brownies..
chocolate brownies?
which I can't eat....
Yer...can't even eat them
Maybe a nibble...
Nobody would notice.
Release your inner.....fat person? :)
Fuck you, goddamnit brain.
Has anyone ever given you the cold shoulder, before?

Friday, July 9, 2010

I want someone to hand me a book; when I open up that book, it'll have the answers to all the questions I have on my mind...

But, nobody does. So I'm left, pondering; still pondering.

Monday, July 5, 2010

They're fugly, black and chunky. They're your school shoes.

One thing that bothers me:

People who say stupid stuff like "we pay for an education, not a lecture on what we wear" etcetc.

I just want to point out- if you go to a public school you are NOT paying for an education, so that argument does not apply to you. So please, stop using it as if you have some sort of legitimate point that proves you're correct.

I just want to say that lace up leather shoes are not that bad. I think, if anything, they look better than flats. If you have a problem with leather lace ups, put the time and effort into finding a pair you are happy with, so that people like me don't have to put up with your whining and complaining. There is an actual reason why you have to wear leather lace ups- it involves acid and your foot.... Want me to continue?

"But, I hate lace ups, they look so fugly. blah blah." You AND 800, or so, kids look ugly together so it's a unified uglyfication. Stop acting like you're the only one suffering.

OK, so before anyone goes ahead and points out that I'm a hypocrite because I wear converse instead of the "proper functional jogger." I put the effort in carrying my sports uniform "to and from" school. So yer...


"You're a hypocrite, Rebecca"
"Who the fuck are you? Get off my blog!"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I would be the WORST teacher. Period.

I want to become a teacher, and before you go ahead and shake me violently, give me a nice square slap across the face and yell "WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY?!?!", let me explain.

I LOATHE teachers who lie. Here is a perfect example:

*teacher walks past artwork*
Teacher: Wow, Rebecca, this looks great. It's wonderful.
Me: *mutters under breathe* right.....

And the truth is the artwork DOES look shit. The perspective is all wrong, one eye is bigger than the other, one leg is longer than the the other and the face looks like a fucking peanut. In other words your attempt of Realism looks more like a Picasso drawing. [Way to juxtapose, Rebecca]

I want to be the teacher that breaks boundaries. Who goes:

"You know what? You're right. It does look like shit."

And, my god, parent-teacher interviews would be the highlight of the year:

"Your kid is.... a turd. I skid mark on the underwear of society. You may call them 'special' but to me they're just another little shit I have to deal with on a daily basis. Clearly, he/she is mentally retarded, spends wayyy to much time trying to be a slut then being smart and if their was a school for whores they would, indefinitely, get a scholarship."

At my school, there would be more children going to the coucillsor then class. But, hey, at least I would be doing something for the "troubled youths of society".


Buying presents for people is one of the worst things in the world.
What if they don't like it?
What if it looks like shit?
What if people get more expensive/better presents than me?
What if mine's not sentimental enough?

Moolah= little to no effort
Soap= insult to their hygiene practices
Clothing= you don't like the way they dress
Tie= really?

I know people say "it's the thought that counts" but, honestly, that quote is for parents when their kid gives them a drawing of them naked and happy birthday spelt
"HapI BiRfDay".

OR, maybe, just maybe, I'm over thinking this a tad bit much?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Into The Wild.

Happiness is only true when shared.

[Don't you ever forgot this Rebecca.]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear Ulcer,

I've grown to accept my tongue ulcer. I'm calling it names, clothing it and bathing in bath milks and salts.

Ha. I wish.

Dear Ulcer [or Moby,

Fuck Off

Yours Sincerely,


If it read this and gets offended. I'm sorry ok? I don't think you even know what
it's like to have an ulcer, ulcer?
Ha. Oo pulled that card on you, didn't I?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Whenever I'm sick I always try and convince myself I'm not. Yes, I know, you get days off school when you're sick- But honestly? Who wants to be unwell. So I start a series of lame attempts to prove to myself I'm not unwell.

1. Doing exercise- Oddly enough this is NOT what I do when I am feeling fit as a fiddle but for some reason, in my head, it rectifys to me "good health"

2. Eating foods you know you shouldn't. For example: Right now I have a sore throat and I'm eating Grainwaves...
"Your throat doesn't hurt"
"It doesn't?"
"*whimpers* But I don't like grainwaves"
Later I just sit there. My throat feeling all hoarse and dry.

3. Not sleeping
"You know what healthy people do?"
"Have all nighters"
"No they don't"
"Are you arguing with me?"
"No....No....O_o course not.."

4. Socialize. The number one thing NOT to do when you have a headache. You just mumble a few words and then pass out. It's wonderful :)
[That or you vomit on them]

Then after all this...... I admit I'm sick and take a shitload of vitamins. YAY VITAMINS!

"Is this you sucking up to me?"
"No *suslooktotheright*"
"THANK YOU!! *nervousbreakdown*"
"I said "get well soon" not "let's have a nervous breakdown on my shoulder"

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Random Thought of the Day- 30 May 2010

An iPhone is the ONLY phone where it is okay to have the same phone as someone else.

When someone has the same phone as you and it's an iPhone it's goes like this:

"HEYYYY! We have the same phone, lets be apple buddies!"

When someone has the same phone as you and it's not an iPhone, it's like a nokia or something. It goes down like this:

"*mumbles*Fucking bitch. Who does she/he think she/he is? Having MY phone" [Cause in your head you own that model of phone- every single one that was made.]

:) So if you want to get a "non-offensive" phone and to be safe from know what phone to get...

a Nokia. Obviously.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I hate how in today's society we always have to make things bigger; more indepth, than they are.

Take art for example-
When we make an artwork it can't just be because we wanted to or it looked aesthetically pleasing there has to be a reason. And that's what bugs me. When we studied art there was always an audience or target we had to meet. What about our own targets? Why does it have to be made for other people? Why does it have to have a meaning?

My interpretation: I thought it would look nice.

What the teacher makes me write: The gigantic silver blob in the centre represents racism in the world, the shape is rather circular which symbolises the way the cycle of racism in the world will continue. The black splodge represents the black people, the yellow- asians and the green- aliens.


Everything is full of shit.

Do you really think Hokusai really thought indepth about what his "Great Wave" meant?

Fuck no, obviously. If I do recall he was just trying to make money [cause his grandson wasted it all on gambling or something (something darkside)]. He was probably like "Oh hey, what a nice wave and if I put Mount Fuji in the background maybe more people will like it... they seem to really like that mountain."

We live in a society full of shit, surrounded by shit and constantly being fueled by shit. I guess we're just filthy, filthy people.

Random Though Of the Day- 29th May 2010

I think I saw the best monobrow EVER.
God, it was so beautiful it made me cry from sheer happiness.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Say cheese?

I hate people who are so insistant on making everybody like them. One thing I am certain in life about is that not everybody will like me. And, I'm cool with that. I can admit I'm an extremely overwhelming person to meet, especially for people who have introverted personalities.

Am a different type of cheese to other people. I'm stark, blantently blunt and completely fine with telling people how it is. Different palates like my favour.

But seriously cheddars? Give up on thinking everybody likes you. Just because most people pick you because you're an all-rounder, stop thinking you can do everything. You're no feta OR brie; you can't go in a greek salad, your texture doesn't allow you to spread.

I get that it's hard to admit that not everybody likes you. But, you're a cheddar (be happy) it's better then being a blue cheese- those blue veins of mold ain't attracting noone!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Fight Club

"Like everyone else, I had become a
slave to the IKEA nesting instinct.
If I saw something like a clever coffee
table in the shape of a yin and yang,
I had to have it. I would flip through
catalogs and wonder, "What kind of dining
set defines me as a person?" We used to
read pornography. Now it was the Horchow
Collection. I had it all. Even the glass
dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections,
proof they were crafted by the honest,
simple, hard-working indigenous peoples of

"I felt like putting a bullet between the
eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its

"This is your life and it's ending one
minute at a time."

I love this movie (and it's tonne of excellent one-liners).
In a way I can relate... not to anything in particular to the movie..but wanting to feel alive?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I ♥

I ♥ people who smile and look like they're in pain.

I ♥ watching someone stepping in dog shit and getting a little bit teary-eyed knowing it wasn't you, but them who's walking around with a turd on the sole of their shoe

I ♥ knowing that you were the last person to use the toilet paper and feeling overly satisfied with your luck

I ♥ watching a person struggle to push a door that clearly says pull

I ♥ when that person who has been swinging on their chair all year finally falls off their chair

I ♥ when people mention my blog, it reminds me that I have one and people actually read it

I ♥ when the really cute guy on the train looks up and smiles at you

I ♥ when the battery of a gamers console runs out and that devastated look in their eye

I ♥ watching people run for trains, not make it, and then do that "oh no, I wasn't running for the train" act they seem to do

I ♥ listening to really dumb people's conversations and the stupid thing's they say

Just a few things I love :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


You know what scares me? How, honest to god, true some personality tests are. And, yes, I am aware that it's all bullshit. But, when you read something that is spot on you [and about a gallizion other people] just make's you a little... wacked out?

"You're narcassistic, like pokemon and eat baby fetuses for breakfast."

ZOMG! That's me!

After four hours, 2 cups of coffee and consistent procrastination, I have come to the realisation...

I. seriously. need. to. get. a. hobby.


[It's supposed to be the noise ninjas make.... but... sadly, fail, very fail ]

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Currently there is one thing I can be grateful of: I don't get abused on social networking sites.

There's so much controversy surrounding at the moment and I have to say this. This is honestly how I see it. I apologise if I'm being stark and crude.

Firstly, if you're fragile and can't handle the insults and questions on formspring- Don't get one. There's no point in someone calling you a "slut" ,or asking about your relationships and life, and you sit there and go "WHAT?!?! How dare they?!!".

You got the account, you're bothered? Simple solution: Delete. The. Account.

Secondly, I hate people who go on about "internet heroes" like they've never been one. Be grateful at least someone is telling you stuff, otherwise you'd never find out. Don't ask them who they are it completely destroys the point of formspring. The whole idea about formspring is asking questions and NOT having to tell the person you are.

Stop asking "who's this?" It's annoying, and you'll get know where. 'Sif the person is going to reveal who they are. Bothered? Delete. The. Account.

I also hate people who say "Say this to my face". Really? If you can't handle the shit on formspring you're probably going to end up with a load of therapy sessions in real life.

Thirdly, people who provoke insults and sexual messages. Don't complain about people talking about your boobs, or informing you you'll be anally raped in the middle of the night. If you respond with "Yer babes, see you tonight ;)" or "thanks", your instaneously making it appropriate for the person too continue. You have no right to complain.

I will end on this though, I don't believe the creator of ever intended for these things to happen. The whole concept behind formspring is that we "get to know" other people. We get to ask questions and recieve an HONEST answer, anonymous or not. The intentions were good; the people on the site bad.

Like I said above, a gazillion times, if you're bothered by formspring don't sit there crying about the abuse on it. You created the account and you have the power to delete it. This will sound mean, but I have little, to no, sympathy towards people who get shit on formspring, suck it up or delete.

Formspring me :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thought of the Day- 9th July 2010

Life's Too Short For Midgets.

I know. Politically incorrect, but whose complaining :)

[this was in my 'drafts' folder for quite a while... ]

P.S. I didn't come up with this, but I don't remember who the genius was that did.

Random Though Of the Day- 28th April 2010

I would love to become an interior designer just so I could do things to other people's houses I wouldn't do to mine.

"Oh what's this a penis shaped lounge? Oh yer, I thought you might like that. It really adds personality to the room doesn't it? *cheesysmile*"

Why do I laugh at my own jokes? I'm such a sad, sad person.

Answer: Because if you didn't nobody would.


Well, don't ask stupid questions


Are you mocking me?

No. O.O

Why don't you both shut the fuck up?

Want a piece of me spleen?


Didn't think so.

OKEY (that was weird). so that's all folks :)

Also, to add to this? Why do i spell okay okey? How do you spell it?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

So when are we getting these hover cars?

IT you son of a bitch.

I hate technology, not for it's social benefits but for the effect they have now on education. We have access to anything- we can speak to people across the world (chatroulette), view places we can't afford to visit in reality (google earth) and access information we never could, even 2 years ago.

And that's it. We know too much.

Now, with this new age of technology we are EXPECTED to know more. Teachers can now ask us harder questions, and with technology, we should know the answer.

Moving forward may help solve problems but it also brings forward new ones. Lets just hope our brains don't explode from information overload.

I hope the government is willing to spend more money on the health system. Be prepared for more impaired vision, more fucked up spines and early onset of arthritis from excessive knuckle cracking.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Internet Strangers.

Funny how easy it is to talk to complete strangers. Reveal stuff you'd never tell anyone close to you- your Doctor Who fetish, how you made a seagull explode from aspirin, how you want to go on student exchange but can't choose a country.

You learn so much about someone in such a short conversation, because all they know is what you tell them and you know that you probably can't keep the conversation alive forever so you cut the bull crap and get straight to the point.

So here's what I learnt about someone I met on Omeagle.

Dave is 22. He lives in New York and believes that their school holidays system is stupid because people just forget everything they've been taught in their 10 week holiday. He has a home full of IKEA furniture and a fold out lounge that turns into a bed. He wears converse. He saw "As You Like It" at the Brooklyn Opera House, he thinks the play itself it good but, the interpretation he saw was lousy. He thought the 3D section on the recent Harry Potter film was nauseating to watch, but thinks that Avatar reflects the potential 3D has on the film industry. He likes the fact there are many Australians in Hollywood. He doesn't like super skinny people, and he likes people with chubby cheeks. He has been to the US, Canada, Swizterland. And, one day he wishes to visit Australia.

This is stuff you never find out about someone, the quirky, random stuff that would take years to collect. Conversations like this are the light at the end of the paedophilia filled tunnels of internet chatrooms.

I will probably never ever speak to Dave ever again, I might walk past him during my lifetime but never know that it was him because all I ever know is, all that of, what he told me. No face to the name.

If Dave you ever happen to stumble upon this blog, don't think I'm creepy. I just really liked our conversation, but I thought it would have been weird if I offered my facebook or msn. Sorry :

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I recently read this article about how Justin Bieber would be filling to date a fan. Really?
I love how the media completely exploits the minds of young girls, making them believe they could really have a chance with Justin Bieber.
Funny thing is when he listed some people that he finds attractive, hardly any teenage girl would even fit that criteria.


-Kim Kardashian

-Meagan Good

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the people you admire huge jugs, Justin. (or should i say Justine)
I don't think it takes a genius to figure out Justins "type", if you get my drift.
Gorgeous, Voluptuous and Tanned.
Also can I say, notiably older than he is?
Hmm? What's the word for a boy attracted to women clearly older?
Perverted? Maybe?
Jokes aside, I really wish the media would stop fucking over teenage girls.
BTW, I have nothing against Justin Bieber. I respect the fact that someone his age, through youtube, could get this far. Congrats Bieber, congrats.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


It pertifys the shit out of me, yet somehow, I'm comforted by the concept of it's sweet embrace.

If I die, I don't want anyone to lie. I want people to truly justify who I was to them- whether their enemy or friend. To tell the story of how horrible I was, or how lovely (if at all).

I want people to know I wasn't a saint, I never always treated people right. But I want them to know I always tried to.

And when I'm dead I want someone to laugh and say "that bitch had it coming", god only knows, that's all that would run through the people who hates me minds.

I would want black roses, not because they're depressing or symbolise anything but, because they're nice, there's nothing more to that.

My body would be cremated, after that who gives a fuck what happens to them. God forbid someone uses it as kitty litter.

Only in death do we truly forgive people, it's not as if we have a choice. And, god, I hate how people go on about "what you would have liked..." I mean, for fuck sakes I'm dead, they'll never truly know.

But, the one thing that makes me sad is that I will be forgotten...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

random reminiscing

one day there was a fly, and a pretty fly it was. he met a cupcake that said "hello sir, my life is a little crap at the moment. would you do the honour of eating me?" and the fly replied "my mouth is a wee bit small but i'll try." so the fly stuck the whole whole cupcake in its mouth and its head exploded.
the end :)

moral of the story: if it's too big, don't try and swallow it whole ;) get what i'm saying..?

god you sick bastard...that is SOOO not what i meant


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cityrail- sometimes we do have a choice

A while back I made a group on Facebook called "cityrail-like you have a choice". And yes, while I still stand by the point that, we literally, don't have a choice in whether we want to use cityrail or not, we do have a choice in how we behave on public transport.

It irks me so that many people (students) have no chivalry, especially to the likes of elder people, pregnant women (or men, i mean you never know these days do you ;)), disabled or crippled and people with children- actually, people in general. It's sad that people forget, that, we aren't paying for the tickets. We don't have the rights to push general public into standing. And, fuck, it's not as if they aren't grateful when we give our seats up, they say thank you and insist that we "really didn't have to", but in reality, they shouldn't even be thanking us at all. Those seats are their seats.


Seriously, if you're retarded enough to spill one of those on a train, you definately don't deserve to drink one. Just saying.

I think the one thing everybody forgets is that, yes, the staff of cityrail are there to "serve" us, hence calling the train system "services", but that doesn't mean they want everyone to treat the train like a rubbish bin. Surely it's not that hard to carry your wrappers off and on a train. Does plastic, foil or paper really weigh that much?

Don't even get me started on graffiti. There's no such thing as good graffiti, actually, that's a lie :). There is, but none in Sydney. I mean, if you're going to vandalise public property make it look good! Nobody, let me repeat, nobody! gives a rat's ass if you're "street" name is .... (well, I can't even read half of the wording in graffiti, so yer....?) Apparently, people get adrenaline from doing graffiti. Really? You can't find anything else that gives you an adrenaline rush? You stand there in a dark alley-way with a spray can writing random gibberish.... Go do drugs or something. (I do not support the consumption of drugs.... or do I? ;))

Lastly, have you ever wondered why cityrail refuses to send the new trains into The Shire?
It's because people in The Shire do EVERYTHING listed above. They abuse the general public, vandalise public property, leave rubbish on the trains and spill sticky drinks all over the floors! So, don't you dare complain about not have "air con", assholes, you bought it on yourself! Want better trains? Start treating trains with respect, you cankerblossoms on society.

In the end, so cityrail makes mistakes and sometimes lets us down...really down. But, hey, we expect it. I love the fact that in Sydney we can make cityrail jokes, they're as fantastic as "your mum" and "get back into the kitchen, women" jokes. But, in the end, when you look at it retrospectively, it's not the system that lets us down, rather ourselves.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


IT you son of a bitch.

I hate technology, not for it's social benefits but for the effect they have now on education. We have access to anything- we can speak to people across the world (chatroulette), view places we can't afford to visit in reality (google earth) and access information we never could, even 2 years ago.

And that's it. We know too much.

Now, with this new age of technology we are EXPECTED to know more. Teachers can now ask us harder questions, and with technology, we should know the answer.

Moving forward may help solve problems but it also brings forward new ones. Lets just hope our brains don't explode from information overload.

I hope the government is willing to spend more money on the health system. Be prepared for more impaired vision, more fucked up spines and early onset of arthritis from excessive knuckle cracking.



Why am I always the one who folds? The one who fights but then backs down?
It shits me, makes me angry. I never get my way and when I do... it just feels so wrong. I feel guilty. Like my conscience is too strong. That what someone else feels is more important than how crap I will feel.

The one time I did say something, completely backfired. Full of regret and hate for that moment.

I wish I knew how to hold a grudge. A wish I could be angry at someone for more than one day. One day does nothing. One day means I can screw you over again and again cause you can never NOT forgive me.

I feel weak. I should stand up for myself. Like when someone yells at me or torments me I should say something back, protect myself, but I don't. I just take it.

And people judge me. But they will never know......
until they've walked in my shoes, experienced my life, breathed the air I've breathed and the hardships I've suffered.

But we can't all be grudge holders, can we? Some MUST fold. It's just the way life is.... and I suppose I always will fold my cards...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm Blue....

I'm sure we all have one friend where hanging out with them is taking a risk. You never know when you go in for the "hi" whether they'll be pissed off or happy.

Yes, I'm talking about temperamental people.

I thoroughly dislike temperamental people. It's as if every time I hang out with them when there in one of there depression stages I, myself, can't be happy. It just feels wrong and completely drags down my day. It's like being happy after someone close to you has passed away, you know at some point your going to have to smile but at the time, you can't.

But you know what annoys me the most? The fact that these people ruin the best days. You might have something wonderful organised, but at the end of the day if there is that one person with you who, to put it crudely, fucks your day up the arse all that planning means nothing.

And, this little rant on moody people is not at all implying I'm not one, occasionally. But at least, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not one all the time. (only when people piss me off)


You know what I hate... When your really tired and you have to pee, urgently. You forget to put up the toilet lid.... well you see what I'm getting at...
It's fun sitting in your own piss *sigh*

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I doubt I even know what I'm talking about :)

I must confess being 14 and all, true love isn't an important aspect in my life nor finding a boyfriend and currently, I would choose infatuation over love any day. The fact is the idea of being committed to someone at this age is, well, daunting. Even using the word "love", in its proper context, to someone is also scary in its own way.
I'm not the type of person to go out with anyone, or anything, for that matter. I mean, I must say, my criteria is NOT simple.

Some people, no offence (this is such a useless phrase), would leap at the opportunity of someone liking them provided they have: working genitalia, lips and a pulse. For fuck sakes, they don't even have to be human O_O.
Everyone is just so happy for someone to "like" them, that they get so excited by it, they lose all train of thought, get all narssistic thinking the world is their oyster and everyone loves them.

Don't get me wrong, for some people this confidence boost is pretty damn rad and might be just what they need. But if only people, like the ones mentioned above would realise that just because that one person was willing to go out with them DOES NOT MEAN ANYONE ELSE WILL!

just saying...

But love is a two faced bitch.
You have the happiness, but then you also have the jealousy. What really annoys me is that as soon as you decide that that person is your "one and only" it's as if they have control over your life: the places you go, the people you hang out with. I suppose it's expected, but people need to learn about breaking even. That sometimes you need secrets and your own time to keep the relationship going.
That sometimes to much of something can be detrimental to your health, or in relationships case, to much of each other is detrimental to the relationship.

I know that I have a pessimestic view of love, but that's only because I have witness first hand the effect of it: the PDA (Public Displays of Affection) *shudder*, the jealous (some of the dirties you get from talking to a guy that has a girlfriend are priceless) and the overly mushy and completely unnessecary nicknames.

The only way you can truly view your relationship, is from someone elses point of view, only then can you see it properly and not with rose coloured glasses.

"the price of love is commitment"
- rebecca weatherby (me) [god, I'm proud of this quote]

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The nicest thing...

I wish someone knew that when I said two sugars, I actually meant 3

Nicest Thing- Kate Nash


It's funny in life how we try and find that person to spend the rest of our lives with but in the end we all die. Alone. I suppose that's why they say "Till death do we part"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The bubble

I am in a bubble,
my bubble.
Not a physical one,
but it's there and I can feel it.
It tell's me right from wrong,
and makes me feel safe
when the outside world is far from it.
But, its gradually getting punctured.
The outside world,
my world,
is getting more and more
No longer protected by this bubble.
Tradegy; hurtful words-
strike straight to my heart.
I had a bubble
And now it's gone.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A blog to like poetry

A blog is like a person, its constantly evolving; changing.
Every time you update it, the blog becomes you- taking a piece of your mind, heart, soul and transferring into literature. But, not only that, sharing it with the world. An open book for everyone to read.
A place to rant, and share how you truly feel about almost anything.
It's like a poem, without the english techniques and metaphors, its words and thoughts in it's purest, rawest form.

And that, is why I love blogs. :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


"Learn to be what you are, and learn to resign with good grace all that you are not."
-Henry Frederick Emile

If only acceptance of ourselves was something we were born with. In modern day life we have insecurities about everything! Weight, the people we "hang out" with, clothing, hair and for what? Who is it we try and impress?

People change, warp themselves to suit other peoples expectations. Whether it's to impress a guy or maybe even a role model they have. If only things were more simple.

A dog is a dog and even if it wants to be a duck at the end of the day it's still a dog.

Forget botox shots or pretending to like music, embrace who you are, your individuality is your indentity. Why be a clone, when you can be yourself?

If at the end of the day if you aren't up to someone standards, maybe you didn't like Star Wars and it was there favourite movie and the defining detail between them liking you and giving you the slip, its not worth it. The only person you ever have to impress is yourself. And the only thing you should ever strive to be is you.

But that quote above is not just referring to impressing someone else, but a vial thing we have all felt before- jealously. Or its much nicer cousin (word) envy. Trying to be something you're not. Angelina's lips, Elle MacPhersons body (which is hot btw). You know? In the end, those gnormous lips only look good on a fish and Ange (if only all the celebrities, that now look like they've had a severe allergic reaction and now their lips are swollen, knew sooner. )

At the end of the day, some blog you've read, might not change your opinions on warping yourself to impress someone. But remember....

"A lie told enough times becomes the truth" - Lenin

Pretend to be whatever you want to be, but in the end, it might become you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentines, Happy Happy Valentines Day


Valentines Day and although it hasn't exactly happened yet, my school has celebrated ours, with the distribution of roses.

The Rose Family-

The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple's a rose,
And the pear is, and so's
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose -
But were always a rose.

By Robert Frost

[I think I'll do this poem for english :)]

It's all for fun- I know that...
But it hurts, you know? To not get one.
I wasn't to bummed out, just a little... shattered, like a mirror- cracked, showing a reflection of a broken person.

(LOL, this made me laugh *this is really inappropriate commentary...sorry /:*)

So seeing as we're are watching the Dead Poets Society in english I'll honour it with a poem about the heartache of that cruel and vicious beast in the disguise we know as Valentines Day...

What a lovely day; Valentines Day

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Valentines is a cruel reminder
That no one loves you.

By Rebecca Weatherby

Deep, ha?

Oh well, I like black roses more than red :)
There's always next year I suppose...
Maybe cupid will grace my life with his arrow....

( *that sounded sexual* get it "life" "arrow" WOW the deepness from this blog has vanish)

But I'll leave you with a quote

You can complain that roses have thorns or rejoice that thorns have roses
-Tom Wilson

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy New Year- Only a tad bit delayed ;)

So I was watching this show called "Being Erica" and it's about a girl, well, i wouldn't deem her a girl, and she has the chance to go back to her regrets and change it.
At first, I thought that I would love the chance to fix up some of my mistakes. The ability to go back, change something you've done, that you probably regret, and make it better.

But, when I think about it, everything I've done has lead up to my life now and when I think further into the past and my mistakes- the friends I've lost, the opportunities I declined. They all make me who I am. And, So what? I lost a few friends? I will probably lose more, but will gain a tonne.
No good is done dwelling in the past. So drink up, lose friends, make mistakes, make enemies. Cause in this little game called life you might just be the pawn on this big chess board.

"There is no try, only do" -Yoda

Ring in the new year, its 2010, baby ;)

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