It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


It pertifys the shit out of me, yet somehow, I'm comforted by the concept of it's sweet embrace.

If I die, I don't want anyone to lie. I want people to truly justify who I was to them- whether their enemy or friend. To tell the story of how horrible I was, or how lovely (if at all).

I want people to know I wasn't a saint, I never always treated people right. But I want them to know I always tried to.

And when I'm dead I want someone to laugh and say "that bitch had it coming", god only knows, that's all that would run through the people who hates me minds.

I would want black roses, not because they're depressing or symbolise anything but, because they're nice, there's nothing more to that.

My body would be cremated, after that who gives a fuck what happens to them. God forbid someone uses it as kitty litter.

Only in death do we truly forgive people, it's not as if we have a choice. And, god, I hate how people go on about "what you would have liked..." I mean, for fuck sakes I'm dead, they'll never truly know.

But, the one thing that makes me sad is that I will be forgotten...


  1. Thinking about death at such a young age? Why?? You're only 14, or so. = ]

  2. contemplating, mr cen, just contemplating :)

  3. Haha often thought about Death. I love the concept of it all; it's brilliant isn't it? Think about what happens to your Self after you die. Think about the entire process of dying. What is dying? Is dying simply your heart ceasing to beat? Or is it more than that? Perhaps dying consists of your soul moving on, or staying behind. Perhaps dying is your memory being erased and memories of you being erased. Maybe it's your memory and memories of you living on forever without a body to live through.

    Die... Dying... Death... Dead...

    They're not even nice words. But death isn't a nice thing, though I don't believe it's a bad thing either. It just is. It's natural. It occurs all the time and we are designed to die. We are designed to live and then die. This is just how it is. Kinda sad huh? I don't like how people and science are trying to prevent death. There's no need. We are only prolonging the inevitable. Fucking with the system which isn't meant to be fucked with. In doing such we've created new emotions: fear of death, sadness for those who have died, anger for those who have died, and yet we have entirely dismissed the emotion that was always there; happiness for the one that has died has moved on. I want those around me to be happy that I die because I no longer have to live in the filthy inorganic world we live in today.

    You'll notice that I didn't touch on the religious aspect of death. This is because I really don't want to go into any more depth and make this longer than I already have. So I'll pretty much say, yeah, every religion has its own view on death. Maybe we move on to another universe, maybe we don't go anywhere at all and we remain on earth as a spirit, maybe we simply fall into darkness and our minds cease to work so we are not even unsettled by the darkness that surrounds the dead, maybe we go to heaven, maybe we are reincarnated.

    Fucked if I know. But what I do know is that this is nothing that you should be dwelling upon. Live life as it is as you have it now. I have a meaning for life. Though it varies from person to person, the meaning of my life is to fucking have fun. Just enjoy my life. As if I give a shit about the future or the past. What's now is now and I'ma live in the moment.

