It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

So when are we getting these hover cars?

IT you son of a bitch.

I hate technology, not for it's social benefits but for the effect they have now on education. We have access to anything- we can speak to people across the world (chatroulette), view places we can't afford to visit in reality (google earth) and access information we never could, even 2 years ago.

And that's it. We know too much.

Now, with this new age of technology we are EXPECTED to know more. Teachers can now ask us harder questions, and with technology, we should know the answer.

Moving forward may help solve problems but it also brings forward new ones. Lets just hope our brains don't explode from information overload.

I hope the government is willing to spend more money on the health system. Be prepared for more impaired vision, more fucked up spines and early onset of arthritis from excessive knuckle cracking.



  1. Sorry Rebecca, gotta disagree with a few things <3

    1. People are getting worse vision, worse spines, worse hearing and early arthritis because they ignore the instruction manual. The instruction manual will ALWAYS explain correct ergonomics and if people aren't taking the 20 minutes to read the rules, then they're not gonna play the game right and there will be consequences. They're fault.

    2. Nothing wrong with bringing forward newer problems. Solving problems has and always will be a... I'm not sure how to put it, it's like a drug. It gives us a temporary high and often long term satisfactions. There are always problems out there and new problems are always arising. My point, solving problems isn't a bad thing.

    3. Yes teachers are asking us harder questions. This is good. It distinguishes between the intelligent and the... well to put it nicely, 'unintelligent'. Perhaps this is bad as it creates a larger distance between these two groups of people. I don't know, just a thought.

    4. Chatroullette is not a bad thing, regardless of all the male genitalia. Google Earth is not a bad thing. In fact, these allow us access to places we've never been before. We have access to a 40 year old man's bedroom... This can be a bad thing, yes, but it can also be an exciting experience that you would never have otherwise had the chance for.

    I don't want to say "YOU'RE WRONG REBECCA!!", but you didn't really think your arguments through, soz.

    But I agree with some aspects. Like the reliance of humanity on technology. Humans cannot live without computers. Humans cannot function without Dishwashers and Refrigerators. We cannot live without Television. There was a time where we could, but we've adapted to this evolving habitat. That's the thing about humans. We survive because we adapt.

    Whilst this is technically our aim in life, to adapt and grow strong, it's turning against us and recently we have been witnessing evidence of this. Global Warming for example. BUT! Here, we will adapt again to minimise this change and thus lengthen our lifespan that little bit further.

    Sorry to rant on your blog, but that's what I'm here for <3
    Love you Rebecca :)
