It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I ♥

I ♥ people who smile and look like they're in pain.

I ♥ watching someone stepping in dog shit and getting a little bit teary-eyed knowing it wasn't you, but them who's walking around with a turd on the sole of their shoe

I ♥ knowing that you were the last person to use the toilet paper and feeling overly satisfied with your luck

I ♥ watching a person struggle to push a door that clearly says pull

I ♥ when that person who has been swinging on their chair all year finally falls off their chair

I ♥ when people mention my blog, it reminds me that I have one and people actually read it

I ♥ when the really cute guy on the train looks up and smiles at you

I ♥ when the battery of a gamers console runs out and that devastated look in their eye

I ♥ watching people run for trains, not make it, and then do that "oh no, I wasn't running for the train" act they seem to do

I ♥ listening to really dumb people's conversations and the stupid thing's they say

Just a few things I love :)

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