It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Monday, July 5, 2010

They're fugly, black and chunky. They're your school shoes.

One thing that bothers me:

People who say stupid stuff like "we pay for an education, not a lecture on what we wear" etcetc.

I just want to point out- if you go to a public school you are NOT paying for an education, so that argument does not apply to you. So please, stop using it as if you have some sort of legitimate point that proves you're correct.

I just want to say that lace up leather shoes are not that bad. I think, if anything, they look better than flats. If you have a problem with leather lace ups, put the time and effort into finding a pair you are happy with, so that people like me don't have to put up with your whining and complaining. There is an actual reason why you have to wear leather lace ups- it involves acid and your foot.... Want me to continue?

"But, I hate lace ups, they look so fugly. blah blah." You AND 800, or so, kids look ugly together so it's a unified uglyfication. Stop acting like you're the only one suffering.

OK, so before anyone goes ahead and points out that I'm a hypocrite because I wear converse instead of the "proper functional jogger." I put the effort in carrying my sports uniform "to and from" school. So yer...


"You're a hypocrite, Rebecca"
"Who the fuck are you? Get off my blog!"