It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I doubt I even know what I'm talking about :)

I must confess being 14 and all, true love isn't an important aspect in my life nor finding a boyfriend and currently, I would choose infatuation over love any day. The fact is the idea of being committed to someone at this age is, well, daunting. Even using the word "love", in its proper context, to someone is also scary in its own way.
I'm not the type of person to go out with anyone, or anything, for that matter. I mean, I must say, my criteria is NOT simple.

Some people, no offence (this is such a useless phrase), would leap at the opportunity of someone liking them provided they have: working genitalia, lips and a pulse. For fuck sakes, they don't even have to be human O_O.
Everyone is just so happy for someone to "like" them, that they get so excited by it, they lose all train of thought, get all narssistic thinking the world is their oyster and everyone loves them.

Don't get me wrong, for some people this confidence boost is pretty damn rad and might be just what they need. But if only people, like the ones mentioned above would realise that just because that one person was willing to go out with them DOES NOT MEAN ANYONE ELSE WILL!

just saying...

But love is a two faced bitch.
You have the happiness, but then you also have the jealousy. What really annoys me is that as soon as you decide that that person is your "one and only" it's as if they have control over your life: the places you go, the people you hang out with. I suppose it's expected, but people need to learn about breaking even. That sometimes you need secrets and your own time to keep the relationship going.
That sometimes to much of something can be detrimental to your health, or in relationships case, to much of each other is detrimental to the relationship.

I know that I have a pessimestic view of love, but that's only because I have witness first hand the effect of it: the PDA (Public Displays of Affection) *shudder*, the jealous (some of the dirties you get from talking to a guy that has a girlfriend are priceless) and the overly mushy and completely unnessecary nicknames.

The only way you can truly view your relationship, is from someone elses point of view, only then can you see it properly and not with rose coloured glasses.

"the price of love is commitment"
- rebecca weatherby (me) [god, I'm proud of this quote]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "the price of love is commitment"

    Rebecca you are a clever girl! Beautiful quote, however in this particular case, don't you think that this is an invalid argument? See, there are various forms of love. You can have a love for a person of the opposite gender (as you imply here), a love for a family member as I love my parents and sister, you can love another human being such as close friendship, you can love an inanimate object such as I love my camera or laptop. You can love another animal such as your dog. You can love a place, such as the country you live in, or on a smaller scale, the house you dwell in. You can love near anything and each individual feeling of love, is different to the previous.

    What is love? Nobody can really define an adequate answer for this question. However I've come up with a solution that fits most aspects of the concept of 'love'. I believe, that love is so much more simple than others make it out to be. Love. Love can be, like I said, a feeling towards anything. I believe that to love something, you must have feelings for it; strong feelings. You must care so much for this that any positivity or negativity towards the loved object/person/place will swell up an emotion within you as an uncontrollable reaction.

    Let me take me and my parents for example. Sure, perhaps we don't get along all the time, however I cannot defy the fact that I love them. They may tell me off, or do things that I don't want them to do, or not let me do things that I would like to do. However, I do not rebel against their opinions because I love them and I appreciate that what they are doing is out of love for me. They may something that hurts me and do you know why it hurts me? Do you know why I feel hurt by what they say? I won't tell you because I'm sure you understand what I'm saying now.

    Anyway, I thought I'd just put in my two cents. Keep up the blogging! Fantastic stuff here <3

    @Cenuz "and i must say, you're english is like GOD...=]" I would appreciate it if you spoke English yourself. Firstly, it's spelled 'YOUR'. Secondly, use capital letters. Thirdly, how can english be like 'GOD'?? Please reconsider your choice of words as the way you have presented your statement is silly and an embarrassment to the English language.

  3. LOL You have a lot to say... but guess what? I don't give a shit. = ] lol Who was talking to you in the first place? And if YOU'RE so bloody crazy over correcting people, and being so grammatically correct get the fuck off the internet, because people type like that nowadays, live with it. = ] Oh and "They may something that hurts me and do you know why it hurts me?" I think you left out the word "do".

  4. Sir, I have as much to say as anyone else has to say. What makes me who I am, is that I actually say it. I'm going to address your response in point form as it's easier to read:

    1. And I don't give a shit that you don't give a shit. I will type up a response that is as long as needs to be to express and demonstrate my point.

    2. No, you were not talking to me in the first place. By your logic, Rebecca was not talking to you in the first place, thus you have no right to respond. Your logic is flawed, or you disobeyed your rule. I was in fact talking to Rebecca initially, however I feel that I am allowed to approach anybody I wish to, unless specified otherwise of course which is in fact truth. So what if you weren't talking to me? I am not talking to you, and you are now talking to me.

    3. I'm not "so bloody crazy over correcting people". No, I'm not crazy and I'm sure as hell not bloody. I merely respect the English language and if you are so intent on speaking English, I believe that you should in return respect it yourself. I am only grammatically correct because I was raised this way. You were raised without awareness of the importance of language, and I was raised otherwise.

    4. Get the fuck of the internet? Do you own the internet? Is the internet your property? I believe that the correct answer is "no". No you do not own the internet and thus you have no control over how I behave on it. You have control over the way you behave on it.

    5. "people type like that nowadays, live with it." I am living with it. Note that I am alive, breathing, walking and thus living. People type this way perhaps, however not all people type this way and I am one of such people. You are not and you are simply making a fool out of yourself because none of your arguments thusfar are valid.

    6. Yes, you think correctly. I left out the word "do". People make mistakes Cenuz. Humans make mistakes. The difference between you and I is that you make mistakes intentionally and frequently. I make mistakes not so frequently and definitely not intentionally, unless of course mocking the inadequacies of another person.

    With all this being said, you have not made a single valid point other than that last statement, which I thank you for. You must first think about what you're typing before you type it; think about what I am typing before responding.

    You have the ability to think for a reason. Think about it...

  5. i like seb too, but stop chastising william... he can be as illiterate as he wants :) everybodies opinions are appreciate here, criticism and suggestions :D
    hes been a long time follower of this blog, i dont want him scared away :(
