It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Saturday, February 13, 2010


"Learn to be what you are, and learn to resign with good grace all that you are not."
-Henry Frederick Emile

If only acceptance of ourselves was something we were born with. In modern day life we have insecurities about everything! Weight, the people we "hang out" with, clothing, hair and for what? Who is it we try and impress?

People change, warp themselves to suit other peoples expectations. Whether it's to impress a guy or maybe even a role model they have. If only things were more simple.

A dog is a dog and even if it wants to be a duck at the end of the day it's still a dog.

Forget botox shots or pretending to like music, embrace who you are, your individuality is your indentity. Why be a clone, when you can be yourself?

If at the end of the day if you aren't up to someone standards, maybe you didn't like Star Wars and it was there favourite movie and the defining detail between them liking you and giving you the slip, its not worth it. The only person you ever have to impress is yourself. And the only thing you should ever strive to be is you.

But that quote above is not just referring to impressing someone else, but a vial thing we have all felt before- jealously. Or its much nicer cousin (word) envy. Trying to be something you're not. Angelina's lips, Elle MacPhersons body (which is hot btw). You know? In the end, those gnormous lips only look good on a fish and Ange (if only all the celebrities, that now look like they've had a severe allergic reaction and now their lips are swollen, knew sooner. )

At the end of the day, some blog you've read, might not change your opinions on warping yourself to impress someone. But remember....

"A lie told enough times becomes the truth" - Lenin

Pretend to be whatever you want to be, but in the end, it might become you.

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