It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm Blue....

I'm sure we all have one friend where hanging out with them is taking a risk. You never know when you go in for the "hi" whether they'll be pissed off or happy.

Yes, I'm talking about temperamental people.

I thoroughly dislike temperamental people. It's as if every time I hang out with them when there in one of there depression stages I, myself, can't be happy. It just feels wrong and completely drags down my day. It's like being happy after someone close to you has passed away, you know at some point your going to have to smile but at the time, you can't.

But you know what annoys me the most? The fact that these people ruin the best days. You might have something wonderful organised, but at the end of the day if there is that one person with you who, to put it crudely, fucks your day up the arse all that planning means nothing.

And, this little rant on moody people is not at all implying I'm not one, occasionally. But at least, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not one all the time. (only when people piss me off)


You know what I hate... When your really tired and you have to pee, urgently. You forget to put up the toilet lid.... well you see what I'm getting at...
It's fun sitting in your own piss *sigh*

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