It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

cityrail- sometimes we do have a choice

A while back I made a group on Facebook called "cityrail-like you have a choice". And yes, while I still stand by the point that, we literally, don't have a choice in whether we want to use cityrail or not, we do have a choice in how we behave on public transport.

It irks me so that many people (students) have no chivalry, especially to the likes of elder people, pregnant women (or men, i mean you never know these days do you ;)), disabled or crippled and people with children- actually, people in general. It's sad that people forget, that, we aren't paying for the tickets. We don't have the rights to push general public into standing. And, fuck, it's not as if they aren't grateful when we give our seats up, they say thank you and insist that we "really didn't have to", but in reality, they shouldn't even be thanking us at all. Those seats are their seats.


Seriously, if you're retarded enough to spill one of those on a train, you definately don't deserve to drink one. Just saying.

I think the one thing everybody forgets is that, yes, the staff of cityrail are there to "serve" us, hence calling the train system "services", but that doesn't mean they want everyone to treat the train like a rubbish bin. Surely it's not that hard to carry your wrappers off and on a train. Does plastic, foil or paper really weigh that much?

Don't even get me started on graffiti. There's no such thing as good graffiti, actually, that's a lie :). There is, but none in Sydney. I mean, if you're going to vandalise public property make it look good! Nobody, let me repeat, nobody! gives a rat's ass if you're "street" name is .... (well, I can't even read half of the wording in graffiti, so yer....?) Apparently, people get adrenaline from doing graffiti. Really? You can't find anything else that gives you an adrenaline rush? You stand there in a dark alley-way with a spray can writing random gibberish.... Go do drugs or something. (I do not support the consumption of drugs.... or do I? ;))

Lastly, have you ever wondered why cityrail refuses to send the new trains into The Shire?
It's because people in The Shire do EVERYTHING listed above. They abuse the general public, vandalise public property, leave rubbish on the trains and spill sticky drinks all over the floors! So, don't you dare complain about not have "air con", assholes, you bought it on yourself! Want better trains? Start treating trains with respect, you cankerblossoms on society.

In the end, so cityrail makes mistakes and sometimes lets us down...really down. But, hey, we expect it. I love the fact that in Sydney we can make cityrail jokes, they're as fantastic as "your mum" and "get back into the kitchen, women" jokes. But, in the end, when you look at it retrospectively, it's not the system that lets us down, rather ourselves.

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