It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thought of the Day- 9th July 2010

Life's Too Short For Midgets.

I know. Politically incorrect, but whose complaining :)

[this was in my 'drafts' folder for quite a while... ]

P.S. I didn't come up with this, but I don't remember who the genius was that did.

Random Though Of the Day- 28th April 2010

I would love to become an interior designer just so I could do things to other people's houses I wouldn't do to mine.

"Oh what's this a penis shaped lounge? Oh yer, I thought you might like that. It really adds personality to the room doesn't it? *cheesysmile*"

Why do I laugh at my own jokes? I'm such a sad, sad person.

Answer: Because if you didn't nobody would.


Well, don't ask stupid questions


Are you mocking me?

No. O.O

Why don't you both shut the fuck up?

Want a piece of me spleen?


Didn't think so.

OKEY (that was weird). so that's all folks :)

Also, to add to this? Why do i spell okay okey? How do you spell it?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

So when are we getting these hover cars?

IT you son of a bitch.

I hate technology, not for it's social benefits but for the effect they have now on education. We have access to anything- we can speak to people across the world (chatroulette), view places we can't afford to visit in reality (google earth) and access information we never could, even 2 years ago.

And that's it. We know too much.

Now, with this new age of technology we are EXPECTED to know more. Teachers can now ask us harder questions, and with technology, we should know the answer.

Moving forward may help solve problems but it also brings forward new ones. Lets just hope our brains don't explode from information overload.

I hope the government is willing to spend more money on the health system. Be prepared for more impaired vision, more fucked up spines and early onset of arthritis from excessive knuckle cracking.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Internet Strangers.

Funny how easy it is to talk to complete strangers. Reveal stuff you'd never tell anyone close to you- your Doctor Who fetish, how you made a seagull explode from aspirin, how you want to go on student exchange but can't choose a country.

You learn so much about someone in such a short conversation, because all they know is what you tell them and you know that you probably can't keep the conversation alive forever so you cut the bull crap and get straight to the point.

So here's what I learnt about someone I met on Omeagle.

Dave is 22. He lives in New York and believes that their school holidays system is stupid because people just forget everything they've been taught in their 10 week holiday. He has a home full of IKEA furniture and a fold out lounge that turns into a bed. He wears converse. He saw "As You Like It" at the Brooklyn Opera House, he thinks the play itself it good but, the interpretation he saw was lousy. He thought the 3D section on the recent Harry Potter film was nauseating to watch, but thinks that Avatar reflects the potential 3D has on the film industry. He likes the fact there are many Australians in Hollywood. He doesn't like super skinny people, and he likes people with chubby cheeks. He has been to the US, Canada, Swizterland. And, one day he wishes to visit Australia.

This is stuff you never find out about someone, the quirky, random stuff that would take years to collect. Conversations like this are the light at the end of the paedophilia filled tunnels of internet chatrooms.

I will probably never ever speak to Dave ever again, I might walk past him during my lifetime but never know that it was him because all I ever know is, all that of, what he told me. No face to the name.

If Dave you ever happen to stumble upon this blog, don't think I'm creepy. I just really liked our conversation, but I thought it would have been weird if I offered my facebook or msn. Sorry :

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I recently read this article about how Justin Bieber would be filling to date a fan. Really?
I love how the media completely exploits the minds of young girls, making them believe they could really have a chance with Justin Bieber.
Funny thing is when he listed some people that he finds attractive, hardly any teenage girl would even fit that criteria.


-Kim Kardashian

-Meagan Good

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the people you admire huge jugs, Justin. (or should i say Justine)
I don't think it takes a genius to figure out Justins "type", if you get my drift.
Gorgeous, Voluptuous and Tanned.
Also can I say, notiably older than he is?
Hmm? What's the word for a boy attracted to women clearly older?
Perverted? Maybe?
Jokes aside, I really wish the media would stop fucking over teenage girls.
BTW, I have nothing against Justin Bieber. I respect the fact that someone his age, through youtube, could get this far. Congrats Bieber, congrats.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


It pertifys the shit out of me, yet somehow, I'm comforted by the concept of it's sweet embrace.

If I die, I don't want anyone to lie. I want people to truly justify who I was to them- whether their enemy or friend. To tell the story of how horrible I was, or how lovely (if at all).

I want people to know I wasn't a saint, I never always treated people right. But I want them to know I always tried to.

And when I'm dead I want someone to laugh and say "that bitch had it coming", god only knows, that's all that would run through the people who hates me minds.

I would want black roses, not because they're depressing or symbolise anything but, because they're nice, there's nothing more to that.

My body would be cremated, after that who gives a fuck what happens to them. God forbid someone uses it as kitty litter.

Only in death do we truly forgive people, it's not as if we have a choice. And, god, I hate how people go on about "what you would have liked..." I mean, for fuck sakes I'm dead, they'll never truly know.

But, the one thing that makes me sad is that I will be forgotten...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

random reminiscing

one day there was a fly, and a pretty fly it was. he met a cupcake that said "hello sir, my life is a little crap at the moment. would you do the honour of eating me?" and the fly replied "my mouth is a wee bit small but i'll try." so the fly stuck the whole whole cupcake in its mouth and its head exploded.
the end :)

moral of the story: if it's too big, don't try and swallow it whole ;) get what i'm saying..?

god you sick bastard...that is SOOO not what i meant
