It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Random Thought of the Day- 30 May 2010

An iPhone is the ONLY phone where it is okay to have the same phone as someone else.

When someone has the same phone as you and it's an iPhone it's goes like this:

"HEYYYY! We have the same phone, lets be apple buddies!"

When someone has the same phone as you and it's not an iPhone, it's like a nokia or something. It goes down like this:

"*mumbles*Fucking bitch. Who does she/he think she/he is? Having MY phone" [Cause in your head you own that model of phone- every single one that was made.]

:) So if you want to get a "non-offensive" phone and to be safe from know what phone to get...

a Nokia. Obviously.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I hate how in today's society we always have to make things bigger; more indepth, than they are.

Take art for example-
When we make an artwork it can't just be because we wanted to or it looked aesthetically pleasing there has to be a reason. And that's what bugs me. When we studied art there was always an audience or target we had to meet. What about our own targets? Why does it have to be made for other people? Why does it have to have a meaning?

My interpretation: I thought it would look nice.

What the teacher makes me write: The gigantic silver blob in the centre represents racism in the world, the shape is rather circular which symbolises the way the cycle of racism in the world will continue. The black splodge represents the black people, the yellow- asians and the green- aliens.


Everything is full of shit.

Do you really think Hokusai really thought indepth about what his "Great Wave" meant?

Fuck no, obviously. If I do recall he was just trying to make money [cause his grandson wasted it all on gambling or something (something darkside)]. He was probably like "Oh hey, what a nice wave and if I put Mount Fuji in the background maybe more people will like it... they seem to really like that mountain."

We live in a society full of shit, surrounded by shit and constantly being fueled by shit. I guess we're just filthy, filthy people.

Random Though Of the Day- 29th May 2010

I think I saw the best monobrow EVER.
God, it was so beautiful it made me cry from sheer happiness.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Say cheese?

I hate people who are so insistant on making everybody like them. One thing I am certain in life about is that not everybody will like me. And, I'm cool with that. I can admit I'm an extremely overwhelming person to meet, especially for people who have introverted personalities.

Am a different type of cheese to other people. I'm stark, blantently blunt and completely fine with telling people how it is. Different palates like my favour.

But seriously cheddars? Give up on thinking everybody likes you. Just because most people pick you because you're an all-rounder, stop thinking you can do everything. You're no feta OR brie; you can't go in a greek salad, your texture doesn't allow you to spread.

I get that it's hard to admit that not everybody likes you. But, you're a cheddar (be happy) it's better then being a blue cheese- those blue veins of mold ain't attracting noone!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Fight Club

"Like everyone else, I had become a
slave to the IKEA nesting instinct.
If I saw something like a clever coffee
table in the shape of a yin and yang,
I had to have it. I would flip through
catalogs and wonder, "What kind of dining
set defines me as a person?" We used to
read pornography. Now it was the Horchow
Collection. I had it all. Even the glass
dishes with tiny bubbles and imperfections,
proof they were crafted by the honest,
simple, hard-working indigenous peoples of

"I felt like putting a bullet between the
eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its

"This is your life and it's ending one
minute at a time."

I love this movie (and it's tonne of excellent one-liners).
In a way I can relate... not to anything in particular to the movie..but wanting to feel alive?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I ♥

I ♥ people who smile and look like they're in pain.

I ♥ watching someone stepping in dog shit and getting a little bit teary-eyed knowing it wasn't you, but them who's walking around with a turd on the sole of their shoe

I ♥ knowing that you were the last person to use the toilet paper and feeling overly satisfied with your luck

I ♥ watching a person struggle to push a door that clearly says pull

I ♥ when that person who has been swinging on their chair all year finally falls off their chair

I ♥ when people mention my blog, it reminds me that I have one and people actually read it

I ♥ when the really cute guy on the train looks up and smiles at you

I ♥ when the battery of a gamers console runs out and that devastated look in their eye

I ♥ watching people run for trains, not make it, and then do that "oh no, I wasn't running for the train" act they seem to do

I ♥ listening to really dumb people's conversations and the stupid thing's they say

Just a few things I love :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


You know what scares me? How, honest to god, true some personality tests are. And, yes, I am aware that it's all bullshit. But, when you read something that is spot on you [and about a gallizion other people] just make's you a little... wacked out?

"You're narcassistic, like pokemon and eat baby fetuses for breakfast."

ZOMG! That's me!

After four hours, 2 cups of coffee and consistent procrastination, I have come to the realisation...

I. seriously. need. to. get. a. hobby.


[It's supposed to be the noise ninjas make.... but... sadly, fail, very fail ]

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Currently there is one thing I can be grateful of: I don't get abused on social networking sites.

There's so much controversy surrounding at the moment and I have to say this. This is honestly how I see it. I apologise if I'm being stark and crude.

Firstly, if you're fragile and can't handle the insults and questions on formspring- Don't get one. There's no point in someone calling you a "slut" ,or asking about your relationships and life, and you sit there and go "WHAT?!?! How dare they?!!".

You got the account, you're bothered? Simple solution: Delete. The. Account.

Secondly, I hate people who go on about "internet heroes" like they've never been one. Be grateful at least someone is telling you stuff, otherwise you'd never find out. Don't ask them who they are it completely destroys the point of formspring. The whole idea about formspring is asking questions and NOT having to tell the person you are.

Stop asking "who's this?" It's annoying, and you'll get know where. 'Sif the person is going to reveal who they are. Bothered? Delete. The. Account.

I also hate people who say "Say this to my face". Really? If you can't handle the shit on formspring you're probably going to end up with a load of therapy sessions in real life.

Thirdly, people who provoke insults and sexual messages. Don't complain about people talking about your boobs, or informing you you'll be anally raped in the middle of the night. If you respond with "Yer babes, see you tonight ;)" or "thanks", your instaneously making it appropriate for the person too continue. You have no right to complain.

I will end on this though, I don't believe the creator of ever intended for these things to happen. The whole concept behind formspring is that we "get to know" other people. We get to ask questions and recieve an HONEST answer, anonymous or not. The intentions were good; the people on the site bad.

Like I said above, a gazillion times, if you're bothered by formspring don't sit there crying about the abuse on it. You created the account and you have the power to delete it. This will sound mean, but I have little, to no, sympathy towards people who get shit on formspring, suck it up or delete.

Formspring me :)