It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I doubt I even know what I'm talking about :)

I must confess being 14 and all, true love isn't an important aspect in my life nor finding a boyfriend and currently, I would choose infatuation over love any day. The fact is the idea of being committed to someone at this age is, well, daunting. Even using the word "love", in its proper context, to someone is also scary in its own way.
I'm not the type of person to go out with anyone, or anything, for that matter. I mean, I must say, my criteria is NOT simple.

Some people, no offence (this is such a useless phrase), would leap at the opportunity of someone liking them provided they have: working genitalia, lips and a pulse. For fuck sakes, they don't even have to be human O_O.
Everyone is just so happy for someone to "like" them, that they get so excited by it, they lose all train of thought, get all narssistic thinking the world is their oyster and everyone loves them.

Don't get me wrong, for some people this confidence boost is pretty damn rad and might be just what they need. But if only people, like the ones mentioned above would realise that just because that one person was willing to go out with them DOES NOT MEAN ANYONE ELSE WILL!

just saying...

But love is a two faced bitch.
You have the happiness, but then you also have the jealousy. What really annoys me is that as soon as you decide that that person is your "one and only" it's as if they have control over your life: the places you go, the people you hang out with. I suppose it's expected, but people need to learn about breaking even. That sometimes you need secrets and your own time to keep the relationship going.
That sometimes to much of something can be detrimental to your health, or in relationships case, to much of each other is detrimental to the relationship.

I know that I have a pessimestic view of love, but that's only because I have witness first hand the effect of it: the PDA (Public Displays of Affection) *shudder*, the jealous (some of the dirties you get from talking to a guy that has a girlfriend are priceless) and the overly mushy and completely unnessecary nicknames.

The only way you can truly view your relationship, is from someone elses point of view, only then can you see it properly and not with rose coloured glasses.

"the price of love is commitment"
- rebecca weatherby (me) [god, I'm proud of this quote]

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The nicest thing...

I wish someone knew that when I said two sugars, I actually meant 3

Nicest Thing- Kate Nash


It's funny in life how we try and find that person to spend the rest of our lives with but in the end we all die. Alone. I suppose that's why they say "Till death do we part"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The bubble

I am in a bubble,
my bubble.
Not a physical one,
but it's there and I can feel it.
It tell's me right from wrong,
and makes me feel safe
when the outside world is far from it.
But, its gradually getting punctured.
The outside world,
my world,
is getting more and more
No longer protected by this bubble.
Tradegy; hurtful words-
strike straight to my heart.
I had a bubble
And now it's gone.

Friday, February 19, 2010

A blog to like poetry

A blog is like a person, its constantly evolving; changing.
Every time you update it, the blog becomes you- taking a piece of your mind, heart, soul and transferring into literature. But, not only that, sharing it with the world. An open book for everyone to read.
A place to rant, and share how you truly feel about almost anything.
It's like a poem, without the english techniques and metaphors, its words and thoughts in it's purest, rawest form.

And that, is why I love blogs. :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


"Learn to be what you are, and learn to resign with good grace all that you are not."
-Henry Frederick Emile

If only acceptance of ourselves was something we were born with. In modern day life we have insecurities about everything! Weight, the people we "hang out" with, clothing, hair and for what? Who is it we try and impress?

People change, warp themselves to suit other peoples expectations. Whether it's to impress a guy or maybe even a role model they have. If only things were more simple.

A dog is a dog and even if it wants to be a duck at the end of the day it's still a dog.

Forget botox shots or pretending to like music, embrace who you are, your individuality is your indentity. Why be a clone, when you can be yourself?

If at the end of the day if you aren't up to someone standards, maybe you didn't like Star Wars and it was there favourite movie and the defining detail between them liking you and giving you the slip, its not worth it. The only person you ever have to impress is yourself. And the only thing you should ever strive to be is you.

But that quote above is not just referring to impressing someone else, but a vial thing we have all felt before- jealously. Or its much nicer cousin (word) envy. Trying to be something you're not. Angelina's lips, Elle MacPhersons body (which is hot btw). You know? In the end, those gnormous lips only look good on a fish and Ange (if only all the celebrities, that now look like they've had a severe allergic reaction and now their lips are swollen, knew sooner. )

At the end of the day, some blog you've read, might not change your opinions on warping yourself to impress someone. But remember....

"A lie told enough times becomes the truth" - Lenin

Pretend to be whatever you want to be, but in the end, it might become you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Valentines, Happy Happy Valentines Day


Valentines Day and although it hasn't exactly happened yet, my school has celebrated ours, with the distribution of roses.

The Rose Family-

The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple's a rose,
And the pear is, and so's
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only knows
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose -
But were always a rose.

By Robert Frost

[I think I'll do this poem for english :)]

It's all for fun- I know that...
But it hurts, you know? To not get one.
I wasn't to bummed out, just a little... shattered, like a mirror- cracked, showing a reflection of a broken person.

(LOL, this made me laugh *this is really inappropriate commentary...sorry /:*)

So seeing as we're are watching the Dead Poets Society in english I'll honour it with a poem about the heartache of that cruel and vicious beast in the disguise we know as Valentines Day...

What a lovely day; Valentines Day

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Valentines is a cruel reminder
That no one loves you.

By Rebecca Weatherby

Deep, ha?

Oh well, I like black roses more than red :)
There's always next year I suppose...
Maybe cupid will grace my life with his arrow....

( *that sounded sexual* get it "life" "arrow" WOW the deepness from this blog has vanish)

But I'll leave you with a quote

You can complain that roses have thorns or rejoice that thorns have roses
-Tom Wilson