It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Songs I'm totally lovin at the moment :)

Running up that hill- Placebo
Sticks N Stones- Jamie T


If you haven't heard some of those songs..your missing out..

just because I like them now...doesn't mean I'll like them in the future :P

Friday, October 16, 2009

All for a cup of tea....

Tea: A liquidy substance that is thoroughly underrated in modern day times.....


I was walking with 5 things in my hand one of which included my lovely steaming, boiled cup of tea...
With my high self belief I walked juggling my 5 things and then....everything went wrong D:
(not a surprise I must admit, considering I was practically asking for it)
You know when you hold the rim of a hot cup of water and the heat starts to rise around where your fingers are holding.....THAT is what happened....
Not wanting to drop my tea I stumbled around causing hot water to splash onto my hands....
I dropped my bowl of food, my book, my pens and whatever else I was carrying, BUT the one thing I refused to drop was that dreamy cup of dilmah.....

* * *

I sit there glaring at that stupid purple cup and its stupid contents....tea.....what a load of............

My fingers in a bowl of ice water.....

I hate tea HATE IT....but I'm an addict, an addict to something I hate.....

In the end it was all for a cup of tea :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What geography has taught me...

In geography this year we have been learning about the uneven distribution of vital resources such as water, but forget 3rd world countries for a moment and I bring to your attention another severe case of uneven distribution. The uneven distribution of deoderant, amongst teens. Many of us have suffered this wrath of over-users or none-users. The conclusion I've come to is that even though I thought non-users are pretty bad over-users are probably not any better!

My solution to this inevitable problem is, like water, we must spread the love (I'm not referring to herpies). Those people who insist on using at least one can of deoderant per day ought to find a smelly person and give some to them instead. :)


he also wishes that was true..

I'm jking...your as cool as you think you are XP

Monday, October 5, 2009

Heros N' Parents

My parents do this really funny thing. So picture this:
I'm sitting on the couching "trying" to watch the 7 PM Project whilst my dad is having a psychotic fit surrounding the topics of my so-called trashed room and calling him a fuck, making me a foul-mouthed twat in his eyes and simitaniously he also manages to slip in the word fuck a couple of times in his ominious rant. HYPOCRITE.
That's not all....
Whilst this is occuring my mum decides to, in a very polite manner, I must say, ask what i want for dinner....
GOOD COP, BAD COP much?!?!
Parents are confusing....
but that doesn't excuse them for being complete and utter douches. *sigh*

On the topic of HEROS, I must admit, I have never been a huge fan of putting, in all honesty, insignifcant people up on pedistals. Whether is be models, actors, sporting heros or people who are just god damn fucking amazing, I always feel a slight resentment in looking up to them. No idea why, I feel as if having heroes can hold you back in a sense?
Does that make sense? No? Yes? Maybe?
FUCK IT ... I don't give a crap...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Enduring for the sake of enduring....

We all have times we put on a face to satisfy the opinions of others. Whether its because your hanging with someone you don't want to be with, going to places you don't want to go or doing something we don't enjoy doing. It's these moments in life that we must remember that we never endure for the sake of enduring for ourselfs, but for others.

So it's the holidays and yet again it has begin with, not a BANG, but a pathetic peet of patheticness...
This morning I realised the sheer extent of my boredom when all of a sudden all the childrens programs on tv were actually entertaining....I was living- breathing on the brink of insanity. I had become a 3 year old again. I looked at the creepy stick figure the man on tv drew and didn't see a stick figure but a masterpiece....
Gosh I miss being a kid. The whole idea of innocence and being forgetten at the age of 13. No complications. Bitching wasn't invented...those were the times.

ANYWAYS, for anyone who happens to stumble upon this lifeless blog, or have decided that they too have reached the point of boredom...
I hope you have a nice day/night/moment/hour/minute/second.
Whatever it is.... i hope its enjoyable :)