It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Shit...I think they saw me, pretend to be talking. PRETEND TO BE TALKING!

The immense awkwardness of meeting people you're not planning on meeting up with in public is just plain humiliating. You have to choose between 2 options:

a. acknowledging the other person resulting in either:
- an extremely awkward and tense conversation between you and them, and potentially anyone else with them
-an epically awesome conversation which, thus, leads to you either hanging out with them :) an example of the best random meets.

b. ignoring them in the hopes that you can slink off into nothingness, without a trace. (kudos for originality, cause it's a tv show ;) )
Potentially, what could occur, is that the person will see you... Resulting in, I've narrowed this down to 2 thoughts:
- Do I smell?
- Oh MY GOD! She doesn't like me...Nobody likes me!

Clearly the first is referring to men, the second to women...Scores for being sexist :)
Sadly enough, nobody ever thinks that maybe, and we all know this but, seeing people in public is not what we "plan" for. Why on earth would anyone be happy seeing someone from school whilst doing your embarrasing job as the mascot for some take-away outlet or looking like a dropped pie?

So in conclusion to this segment of the post-
"Please people of the world, do not take offence if someone doesn't look (fucking) ecstatic to see you, I'm sorry that I'm not in the mood for your presence. You and I both know we don't wish to see each other and I'm ok with that, lets just turn around and pretend we never looked "eye to eye".

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Never Ever

God, you know what? I will NEVER EVER tell my mum I'm sick...
You want to know why?
Cause instead of taking me to the doctor, where we would sit in the waiting room, watch the clock tick by for a bit, get called up by that lovely lady behind the desk, walk into into the doctors office, get the diagnosis, leave with some lovely pink, strawberry syrupie stuff...
I HAVE TO get a shitload of who knows what powdery crap put into water to make some foul tasting brew and then down it....half gagging of course (fantastic way to become bulimic, i will say)..
HMM i wonder which one I'd prefer??

It sucks having a mum who does chinese medicine... *sigh*

OH and I got a spiffy new green ipod, just thought I might add that in..
NOW I can be one of those bastards who when you're talking slowly slips a headphone in and then when you're finished and ask: "So what do you think?"
They Go: "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening..." *walks off*
How awesome is that?
NOT VERY I know ><

Also, it's almost the holidays..... Is this where I list all the wonderful things I'll be doing?
Well nothing is planned...
See I'll try and organise something, but as depressing as this sounds, nothing will happen.
I'll make friends with a neighbouring squirrel and have long talks about romantic walks on the beach.