It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Just hold your tongue....

It's inevitable that at times we say, in all honesty, what we don't mean. It might seem appropriate at the time to say something, scream at the top of your lungs, swear until your voice is horse. But in the end, its not worth the cause and you can get you into more strife then you asked for.

What about secrets?
The idea of them just gives me the heebie jeebies. The idea that I am holding something so personal, so full of scandal or information that is almost eats you up inside.
Secrets ARE problems, not solutions. The fact that we trust others to be like a "safe" for our secrets is absurd, so why tell?
The ones who know the most about us are the ones who can destroy us the easiest.
Keep that in mind the next time you decided to reveal a secret
Or preferrably,
Just hold you tongue.


  1. very very true, but hey not gonna stop me from telling my secrets and hiding more =P haha btw your english is like =O so good haha

  2. LOL thank you thank you :)
    yer i dont exactly practice what i preach, i must confess.. XD
