It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I really hope I see them again.....

So you look over your shoulder and with a sigh you take one last glance at that gorgeous guy.... --sniff-

saying to yourself "I really hope I see them again...."

* * *

God I hate seeing really attractive people on public transport, at the park, actually in general. Especially the ones that you can see yourself talking to and getting to be friends with. Its just frustrating cause you know that if you just dove into the deep end and just spoke to them the odds of you getting rejected or accepted are 50/50. writing a blog about my regrets.

The odd thing is even though I know I won't see them EVER again I make a promise to myself that I will talk to them if i see them again >.< .....LAME! I really have to stop making hope for myself and just crawl into that little cave of regret and beat the hope out of my tiny little merciless heart.

It's sad cause I basically do this to any guy I find "HOT" (notice how I use the term loosely as it is in those speech thingys", so currently the list is fairly long..... (Y)

Anyways I'll end this on a stunningly attractive note leaving you with a picture of a guy I know if I saw in the street I would leap on....that is why most people don't want me in Canada.

P.S. If anyone who knows Alex or if it is him....I promise I won't actually leap on him/you.
Ha....its making me sad how I think I have any odds with any association with him

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