It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Friday, July 24, 2009


I love this short movie to bits :)


Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Phone! Hells to the Yeah

For many years now I've had a piece of technology that really even I wouldn't sink so low to deem it as technology, but now.....I actually have something I would be glad to fling out and bask its glory. Yes, that's right people, I got a new mobile phone. *leaps about in an awkward manner*


Ok, so here's the low down on my piece of technological glory:

Its a Nokia E63 and its sooo amazing.

I'm so happy I'm going to put a picture up of it :P

Yay, and so far it's proving to be pretty damn amazing....


I really hope I see them again.....

So you look over your shoulder and with a sigh you take one last glance at that gorgeous guy.... --sniff-

saying to yourself "I really hope I see them again...."

* * *

God I hate seeing really attractive people on public transport, at the park, actually in general. Especially the ones that you can see yourself talking to and getting to be friends with. Its just frustrating cause you know that if you just dove into the deep end and just spoke to them the odds of you getting rejected or accepted are 50/50. writing a blog about my regrets.

The odd thing is even though I know I won't see them EVER again I make a promise to myself that I will talk to them if i see them again >.< .....LAME! I really have to stop making hope for myself and just crawl into that little cave of regret and beat the hope out of my tiny little merciless heart.

It's sad cause I basically do this to any guy I find "HOT" (notice how I use the term loosely as it is in those speech thingys", so currently the list is fairly long..... (Y)

Anyways I'll end this on a stunningly attractive note leaving you with a picture of a guy I know if I saw in the street I would leap on....that is why most people don't want me in Canada.

P.S. If anyone who knows Alex or if it is him....I promise I won't actually leap on him/you.
Ha....its making me sad how I think I have any odds with any association with him

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fisherman Friends are truly your best friends.

My throat feels terrible and I reach into that heavenly packet and pull out some hideously ugly tablet shaped lozenger. I brace myself for that revolting taste and jump into the deep end, placing the thing in my throat. For a second I taste that ominous taste and then as if my mouth goes numb the pain from the cold has vanish. I feel normal and that is the magic of fisherman's friend.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lady Gaga

Just ignore her promiscuous attitude to music and the tonnes of sexual innuendos in her lyrics. And you get someone who takes fashion to a whole new level. It's no longer fashion, but a masterpiece, an artwork.
No matter how much you hate her you can always think of something that will make you love her.

I ♥ Lady Gaga

I Loled so hard at the last pic >.<

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The leaf

So your walking along on a warm, crisp day...and you see it, and it sees you. You stare at with desire in your eyes, it looks back-innocent. You lick your lips as you take a few steps forward. The wind blows and it attempts to hover away. With agile movement you lift your foot and...
Oh, that sound caresses your ear. You lift your foot and see the remnants. It lays there lifeless. It was a leaf, thats all it ever was.

Shameful, O so shameful

You know what I love? Those lame emails that we still have from year 4 that you refuse to explain the meaning of to people. Take for example mine-
It's probably the heighth of weirdness and I hate it to death yet somehow I still embrace it like a fat person with love handles. I use it for my myspace, twitter, basically any internet site that requires a login because I have the brain capacity of a goldfish on weed.
Anyways, there will come a time when everyone must drop there childish emails to opt for a newer, more sophisticated email, but until that time I will stick to my shit ass, shameful, pathetic email and keep explaining to people that I don't actually think apples are cute.

Walk of shame...

So one day you decided that you were going to head down to the hairdresser and get the most rebellious haircut you could think of....the dreaded bob.
And yes as much as you feel you have made the right choice, as you watch the chirpy hair attendant chewing her gum and blowing the stuff probably directly into you hair, you sit there without complaint watching her cut chucks of your gorgeous, perfect hair out and throw it carelessly on the floor.
You look at those chucks, devoid of any life, no colour and no shine and suddenly out of the blue you hear a scream "NOOO!" and you look down thinking you had gone mad and the hair had finally decided to put up a fight. Thank God you hadn't gone insane! Across the room you see an angry lady stand up with some hideously ugly do and storm out. You take a deep gulp and look into the mirror, a perfect mockery, that's all you see.
The idea of change had suddenly backfired and unlike the other women, you are polite, you pay the hair attendant and walk out, bracing yourself for the walk of shame...


I was meaning to write a blog for a long time, but I never had the time nor effort to sit there and type and dream up some deep and meaningful wonderland of literature. The fact is, my life is as interesting as grass growing and as much I love change I rarely do it.