It's true, the best way to any persons heart is through the stomach...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

It's kind of funny...

It's kind of funny; I always believed when I hit the end of my schooling career I would have this solidified idea of who I was, who I wanted to be. And it's come; and I honestly have no clue.
It's such a shame that after 6 years of being at an schooling institution all you get is some number placed on you that everyone seems to mark as your defining feature.
And, then (from what I've heard) it becomes superfluous. All that time you spent typing, highlighting, re-typing, re-formatting, and then maybe crying over- if you're like me- your notes, seems honestly like a waste of time. But, for some reason.
It. matters.

The worst part is, that the HSC isn't even close to being the end of the world. But at the time, it literally feels as if the walls are just melting all around you. You have this bolus stuck in your throat, a sick feeling in your gut, and that body numbness that doesn't subside until the exam is over. It. Feels. Quite frankly. Terrible.

To top it off, it is the stigma that the University is the ONLY place to go for any 'reputable' or 'real' education. God forbid you have to attend TAFE. But it's that stigma that makes me feel queasy about society. That the ONLY ATAR is a 99.95% ATAR and anything below that just means your stupid.

THAT is the bullshit they're feeding us.
And, it really is 'kind of funny', when you think about it... that THAT is what we all come to believe.

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